A town hall was held May 3 with all occupants of the HSLC who will be affected by upcoming construction for the enhancement project. As outlined in that meeting and in the graphic above, construction is set to commence on June 28. Therefore all moves that need to occur before Phase 1 must take place before June 9.
We will be posting construction updates regularly on this site throughout the construction process in coordinated efforts with our selected
General Contractor to keep building users informed about phasing, schedules, progress, closures, openings, etc.
View the entire presentation from May 3 below. Access the moving check list here.
Steps for Moving
1. Purge files. Shredding will be offered onsite. Coordinate with Building Manager Doug Pollard for a bin.
2. Box files. Cabinets will not be relocated. Boxes available from MDS.
2. Box other items to be moved.
3. Department head will arrange for computer and phone lines to be transferred through DoIT
4. A cart will be provided. Place all items on the cart, and move the cart to your new workspace
5. Doug Pollard will coordinate relocating name signage, as needed
Items to pack
• Desk chair (but only if you want to)
• Keyboard tray (building manager will relocate)
• Artwork will be rehung by facilities
• Dry Erase/tack Boards (building manager will coordinate removing, relocating, and rehanging these items)
Items to leave behind
• File cabinets
• Keys: Return to Doug Pollard in UW HSLC Office 1232
• Desks, cabinets, etc.
Building Manager: Doug Pollard, UW HSLC Office 1232, drpollard@wisc.edu
Construction Coordinator: Malorie Hepner, UW HSLC Office 1373, mhepner@opnarchitects.com
Director of Facilities: Mark Wells, UW HSLC Office 1373, mark.wells@wisc.edu