Sustainability isn’t just about LEED certification or photo-voltaic panels. It is often interwoven throughout the design and construction process in many different ways from material selection to the disposal of materials.
In the case of the HSLC enhancement project, sustainable practices have been part of the conversation from day one of design through the ongoing construction. Decisions impacted design, construction, and ultimately how you experience the new spaces.
For example, the entire HVAC system is being augmented and balanced to improve occupant comfort throughout the building. Additional recycling containers will be placed in key high-traffic areas throughout the renovated facility.
High-efficiency LED lighting with occupancy sensing technology is being included in all renovation areas. new restrooms are to be outfitted with high-efficiency rapid hand dryers that produce up to 79% less CO2 than many other hand dryers and up to 76% less than paper towels.
Environmentally friendly materials, including carpets and furniture, were selected. Modular carpets allow for easy replacement of single damaged tiles and are cradle to cradle certified recyclable and CRI GreenPlus labeled. Furniture materials were also chosen for Reduced Environmental Impact, Recycled Fiber Content, and Greenguard Certification.
Additionally, whenever possible office furniture will be reused. In the instances, it wasn’t reusable for this project it was taken to UW Surplus with a Purpose (SWAP) for reuse and resale. To date more than 17 truckloads have been donated.
JP Cullen, the contractor leading the project, has a goal of diverting at least 75% of construction related materials from the waste stream. As demonstrated in the report below, they have exceeded this goal every month to date: