Combined, OPN and SLAM bring more than 60 years of experience in higher education.
OPN has been working on campuses across the Midwest for more than 20 years, including multiple projects at the University of Iowa and Iowa State University.
SLAM has 40 years of experience in laboratory design and academic medical center planning.
The two firms have collaborated on multiple projects since 2012 including the $80 million biosciences campus at Iowa State University and the new $96.3 million, 210,000-square-foot College of Pharmacy at the University of Iowa (both pictured below. Ranked among the top 100 design firms in the United States, SLAM recently completed medical school projects at Duke and Emory University and will complete similar projects this year at John Hopkins, University of Texas, Indiana University and the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Project Manager

Job Captain

Project Coordinator

Design Principal

Project Manager

Medical Education Programmer and Planner

HSLC Enhancement Facilities Team
The HSLC Project is being led by a team representing the facilities group at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health as well architects from OPN and SLAM. Once selected, the project contractor will join the team as well.
Mark C. Wells, AIA
Assistant Dean For Facilities
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Jeffrey Korab
Director, Academic Information Systems
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Stu LaRose, AIA
Architect/Project Manager
Capital Planning & Development
Facilities Planning & Management
Shannon Murphy
Administrative Assistant to Mark Wells, Assistant Dean for Facilities
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Alexandra Roe
Associate Vice President for Capital Planning and Budget
University of Wisconsin System